Our Process

After contacting NGL our Lead Estimator will reach out and set up a time for a consultation and to walk your property, view maps, identify any disease issues or infestations and look at your tree species and discuss your wants and desires.  He will then draw up an estimate that will explain in detail the approximate amount of time it will take, desired finish, and budget requirements.  Once the estimate is approved we will add you to our schedule and keep you updated with approximate time to begin your forestry project. 

What Now?

Schedule an on-site visit to find out the best solution and price. After a consultation with the landowner and property, there are a series of steps we take before a logging project will begin. Feel free to learn more about our process or schedule a free on-site consultation. 

Contact Us

Contact Us

Best way to contact you?

Start the process by sending us the details for the project or give us a call at (208) 819-3611

Our Typical Process

1. Get customer details
2. Walk the property
3. Get maps
4. Look for any disease issues
5. Provide recommendations
6. Sign contract
7. Set a date
8. Get started